In addition to Working Drawing Hub August 1896 page 322-323

FASHION PLATE   No. 247 illustrates a New York City ambulance of the latest type, the complete description of which is given on page 323, which, together with the working drawing on page 322, will serve to give a clear understanding as to the construction of this vehicle.

The working drawing on page 322 is that of a New York City ambulance. This style of ambulance, with its special form of construction and interior arrangements, has been adopted by the city government, it’s the best that has been offered. In its general construction special pains has been taken to insure strength, room and ease, together with quick handling.

Fig. 1 shows the side elevation. The sills are 1 3/4 in. wide and 2 1/8 in. thick. cross bars, 3 in. wide and 1 1/4 in. thick; toe bar, 2 in. wide; tail bar, 3 in. wide and 1 3/4 in. thick; width of body, on top, 44 in. on bottom, 42 in. The dashboard and tailgate are 7/8 in. thick; moldings, 1 1/8 in. wide, rounded Corner posts, 1 1/2 x1 5/8 in.; center posts, 1 x 1 5/8 it; panels, whitewood, 3/8 in. thick. Top rails, 1 1/4 in. thick. There are three bows to the top, between the back end and the partition. Two rails extend lengthwise, as shown in Fig. 5. through the middle of the top; these and the bows are 7/8 in. square; the drip moldings are 7/8 in. square.

The front partition is fitted with a frame and glass, running in a groove, and which can be raised or lowered; also a wire screened frame, placed back of the glass frame, which is hinged at the top and can be swung up, as indicated by the dotted line; it is held in place at the roof by small hooks, and when down is secured to the partition by sliding bolts.

A lantern is hung inside of the body on the left side, as shown In Fig. 3, the half-view of the back end. Hand straps are attached to the top rail on each side. Detachable curtains are affixed to the back quarters as shown. The cross seat is hinged on the right side, and when raised it is secured to the top by a brass snap catch. The insides of the body are padded, as are also the seat and the stretcher. Fig. 6, together with the section of Fig. 5, shows the construction of the stretcher and tile padded surfaces.

The seat board is 10 in. wide. The stretcher runs on small wheels, to facilitate its handling. The small screened frame shown in Fig. 5 represents a frame placed back of the body of the lamp shown in Fig. 1. The lamps are the same as the ordinary square coach lamps, with the reflectors turned toward the inside of the body, and the side lights, which are red, are turned toward the front.

A leather pocket is attached to the underside of the body at the back end, accessible from the front, where it is secured by straps and buckles. This pocket is used for carrying splints and other of the larger articles needed by surgeons. In addition, a small stretcher, consisting of two long bars with a strip of canvas tacked to them, is provided. Leather wings are placed over the rear wheels.

Dimensions of Woodwork.- Wheels, without rubber tires, Warner patent; height, front 36 in.; rear, 47 in. Hubs, length, 8 in.; diameter at cart, 6 1/2 in.; front end, 3 3/4 in.; back end, 4 3/8 in.; Size of spokes, 1 5/8 in. Number of   spokes, 14. Depth of rims, 1 3/4 in.

Dimensions of Ironwork – Springs, Berlin heads, front 39 in. long between centers of heads, with 6 1/4 in. opening on main leaf. Width of steel, 1 5/8 in. Number of plates, four. Thickness, No.2 steel. Rear side springs, 43 in. long with 3 3/4 in. set. Number of plates, six. Width of steel, 1 5/8 in. Thickness, No.2 steel. Back-cross, 36 in. long, with 3 1/2 in. set on plain leaf Number of plates, five. Thickness. No.2 steel. Axles, 1 3/8 in., Collinge,   Fifth wheel, 20 in. diameter. Plates on top of cradle bar, 1 5/8 x 3/8in. steel.

Painting.- Body, seat and lower main panels, carmine; frame, pillars, etc., black; front of dash and back of tail board, carmine. The upper and lower main panels are striped 5/8 in. line of gold, edged with vermilion. Gear, carmine, striped with vermilion. Inside of body finished in natural wood.

Trimming – Black trimming leather.   Gong, 14 in. diameter.


Submitted to NEMSM February 2008 by Mark Peck, EMT-P