Can you help us build our collection? The following items are our top priority for 2019 If you have an item you would like to donate to the museum please contact us today! 612.298.4567
First Day Pictures (your first day of class, service, retirement – any EMS firsts, send your pics!)
World War Recruitment Posters from 1913 – 1945
EMS comic books
LifePak 2
LifePak 3
LifePak 11
LifePak 12
DynaMed Chokesaver
“Old Pal Tacklebox”
Biphone Radio
Brook Airway (complete in box)
E & J Lyteport Resuscitator
Laerdal BVM’s (Green Version)
Robershaw Resuscitator (Orange box and duel tanks)
Ferno Washington Stretcher, Model 28
Steel D Oxygen Tank
Complete Uniforms (men and women of any era)
Equipment instruction manuals